Well the kids have been taking swimming lessons for the last three weeks. Our routine in the morning revolves around waking up, eating breakfast, going to swim lessons and then to the Y so I can exercise. It's been a great routine!
I have started with a personal trainer that trains out of her house, so that has replaced the Y on some days at this point. However, I will still be going to the Y on the days I don't train with Jacqueline. I am trying to get into Yoga, I think I MAY need the breathing and stress reduction- MAYBE.
James is doing an awesome job swimming with Miss Holly. He is learning quickly, but still apprehensive when floating or jumping to her in the deep end. He loves his (green) goggles, and is a good sport. One day he actually surprised me and asked to go first (we alternate who HAS TO go first), and today, when Kaitlyn was swimming, he told me that he really wanted his turn to start. That's great, sounds like it'll be promising that he'll like the pool. ;)
Kaitlyn, on the other hand, has reverted to crying the entire lesson and pitifully calling out for me. "I want MOMMY!" Or she calls out for Miss Holly repeatedly. It's gut wrenching. However, the lessons keep on going, and I know something will click in little Miss Kaitlyn's head that swimming is actually FUN... someday. That's what happened with Kaitlyn when she was in Safe Start. She cried for the first 3 weeks and then by the end she never wanted to get OUT of the pool. Poor Miss Holly- she just can't seem to get Kaitlyn to put her face DOWN in the water very long. We both keep trying to explain to her that if she puts her head down in the water instead of craning her neck up, that she'll swim easier and faster. She's 3. What can I say?
SO... we have one more week of lessons, and then I think we'll give it a rest. Unless, of course, Kaitlyn makes a complete 180 in her attitude toward swimming. We'll see.
In other news... I'm going nuts with these kids around here all day long. ;)