My blog is about my life as a Mom, a wife, and my kids. Stop by often and see what we're up to. Please leave comments, I love to read them!
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
iPhone photography
James was playing with my iPhone the other day and he was snapping photos of Kaitlyn. He told her, after a small sigh, "Kaitlyn, you are so beautiful."
Stop it leg!
James has been suffering from growing pains lately... and since he measured at 46.5 inches today at his wellness checkup, it's most likely those crying spells at night actually DO mean something. He is in the 97th percentile for his age group, which has been constant since he was born.
Last night he cried out at around 11 p.m. so I gave him a dose of Tylenol to help him sleep better. Poor kid, I remember those pains and they aren't fun.
It seems though, that the pains are starting to happen during the day too. We were sitting at the dinner table tonight when James started squirming and making ow sounds.
"What's wrong, James? Are you okay?" I asked him.
He looked down at his leg and commanded, "Stop hurting LEG!"
Nathan and I looked at each other and almost spit out our food.
"Well it's not that simple, James. You can't just tell your leg to stop hurting!" Then we all had a good laugh and Kaitlyn also told her leg to stop hurting about a dozen times.
Whew. For a minute there, I thought I maybe had given birth to Billy Madison.
Last night he cried out at around 11 p.m. so I gave him a dose of Tylenol to help him sleep better. Poor kid, I remember those pains and they aren't fun.
It seems though, that the pains are starting to happen during the day too. We were sitting at the dinner table tonight when James started squirming and making ow sounds.
"What's wrong, James? Are you okay?" I asked him.
He looked down at his leg and commanded, "Stop hurting LEG!"
Nathan and I looked at each other and almost spit out our food.
"Well it's not that simple, James. You can't just tell your leg to stop hurting!" Then we all had a good laugh and Kaitlyn also told her leg to stop hurting about a dozen times.
Whew. For a minute there, I thought I maybe had given birth to Billy Madison.
Saturday, July 17, 2010
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Ovarian Cancer BRCA Know the risk
Hi friends,
About a year ago my cousin Maureen passed away from ovarian cancer, and our family has taken on the mission of spreading awareness of BRCA, a genetic mutation that is closely linked to ovarian cancer. They now have a simple blood test which can let people know if they have the BRCA gene (which increases your chance of ovarian cancer by 50%), but not many people - including my cousin - even knew/know that such a test exists. Ovarian cancer is called a "silent killer" because of the lack of symptoms. When Maureen was diagnosed, she was already at stage 3. If she had had the test done, she would have been able to prevent the cancer from even having a chance to harm her.
Maureen's husband Mike and his oldest son, Joe recently completed this incredibly powerful video which you can now find on YouTube, and Joe told their story at the National Ovarian Cancer Conference this week in Washington DC. I encourage you to watch it and please spread the word to all the women in your lives. We can't have Maureen back, but by spreading the word and educating people we may be able to help other families avoid such senseless tragedy.
The photos below were taken in Phoenix in January of 2009, 5 months before Maureen passed away. She is photographed with her first grandson, Aiden. I love you Casey family!

About a year ago my cousin Maureen passed away from ovarian cancer, and our family has taken on the mission of spreading awareness of BRCA, a genetic mutation that is closely linked to ovarian cancer. They now have a simple blood test which can let people know if they have the BRCA gene (which increases your chance of ovarian cancer by 50%), but not many people - including my cousin - even knew/know that such a test exists. Ovarian cancer is called a "silent killer" because of the lack of symptoms. When Maureen was diagnosed, she was already at stage 3. If she had had the test done, she would have been able to prevent the cancer from even having a chance to harm her.
Maureen's husband Mike and his oldest son, Joe recently completed this incredibly powerful video which you can now find on YouTube, and Joe told their story at the National Ovarian Cancer Conference this week in Washington DC. I encourage you to watch it and please spread the word to all the women in your lives. We can't have Maureen back, but by spreading the word and educating people we may be able to help other families avoid such senseless tragedy.
The photos below were taken in Phoenix in January of 2009, 5 months before Maureen passed away. She is photographed with her first grandson, Aiden. I love you Casey family!

Monday, July 12, 2010
James lies.
"There are NO toys in this bed, Mom."
We went to the beach with the Bert family this past weekend. The whole weekend was one huge game of musical beds, but the first night we were there, James and Bennett were going to sleep in the twin beds.
I was getting James ready for bed while Bennett was in the other room prepping for bed also. I gave James a choice of which bed he wanted, nicely suggesting that he take the one on the left since that's the one he usually sleeps in when we are there. He asked me, very nicely, if he could sleep in the OTHER bed. I obliged, since it really isn't a big deal and he had asked so nicely.
I was getting him tucked in when he looked at me and said, "There are no toys in this bed, Mom."
"James? Are there toys in here?" I peeled back the covers and saw it... the water gun that was given to him by our gracious guests. HE HAD PLANTED IT. He had planted the gun in the bed that he would be choosing to sleep in.
Last night when we got home from the beach, Nathan was tucking James in, and once again, he says, "Dad, there are no toys in this bed."
Nathan reached under James pillow and pulled out two toys. Ooooh James. You little liar. ;) Nathan had a talk with him about what lying is, but we'll see if it helps or not. If he had only caught on to NOT telling us that there weren't toys in the bed, we never would have checked in the first place! Ha.
We went to the beach with the Bert family this past weekend. The whole weekend was one huge game of musical beds, but the first night we were there, James and Bennett were going to sleep in the twin beds.
I was getting James ready for bed while Bennett was in the other room prepping for bed also. I gave James a choice of which bed he wanted, nicely suggesting that he take the one on the left since that's the one he usually sleeps in when we are there. He asked me, very nicely, if he could sleep in the OTHER bed. I obliged, since it really isn't a big deal and he had asked so nicely.
I was getting him tucked in when he looked at me and said, "There are no toys in this bed, Mom."
"James? Are there toys in here?" I peeled back the covers and saw it... the water gun that was given to him by our gracious guests. HE HAD PLANTED IT. He had planted the gun in the bed that he would be choosing to sleep in.
Last night when we got home from the beach, Nathan was tucking James in, and once again, he says, "Dad, there are no toys in this bed."
Nathan reached under James pillow and pulled out two toys. Ooooh James. You little liar. ;) Nathan had a talk with him about what lying is, but we'll see if it helps or not. If he had only caught on to NOT telling us that there weren't toys in the bed, we never would have checked in the first place! Ha.
New Smyrna with the Berts!
We had a great weekend at the beach with the Bert Family. I am so grateful for my friendship with Kelly, and our kids hit off very well! Of course there were a few arguments throughout the weekend, but mostly they were between siblings. ;) James did get a little ticked off at Bennett for pushing the button on the elevator, because HOW COULD HE? :)
I realized I don't have any pictures of Bennett because while my camera was out, he was up on the sand building a castle.
Thanks for joining us Berts!

I realized I don't have any pictures of Bennett because while my camera was out, he was up on the sand building a castle.
Thanks for joining us Berts!
Sammy enjoys the sand? ;)

James enjoyed playing with is new water gun from Bennett until it got taken away for shooting at other kids. ;) We gave it back, don't worry.

James and Anna play together.

Fun in the water!

Friday, July 9, 2010
The Wilcke Kids!!! My most amazing accomplishment....
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