Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Karate! James tests for his yellow belt!

On Tuesday, James tested for his yellow belt in Karate. He is currently a white belt (the first belt) and appeared to pass the test with flying colors. If all goes well (in other words, if they don't call us to have him come retest) we will be going to his "graduation" for his yellow belt on Friday night. I hear it's a big deal, a pizza party and everything.
Sensei Adam asked Nathan after class, "Which one of you has taken Karate?" Apparently he had thought that Nathan or I have been practicing with James, but the truth is... it's all learned in his class. He seems to be absorbing it like a sponge. It's very exciting!
Here is part of his test with Sensei Adam:

And here is Kaitlyn spinning into an oblivion (watch her eyes after she falls down- hilarious!):

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

First Day of School

James is mad because Nathan and I made him buy "boring shoes"...

Forgive the fog on the lens from the humidity of this crazy hot August day:

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

... as the meatloaf cooks...

I thought I'd throw in the blog that Kaitlyn had her first day of school yesterday, and James will have his first day of Kindergarten tomorrow!
I can't believe my first born is 5 and already going into Kindergarten. Before we know it 8th grade graduation will be here.
We went to his orientation today, and he hot to meet Mrs. Danagher (pronounced with the g silent: Dan-a-her). She has been at St. Margaret Mary for 22 years! She is very nice, and I think we're going to have a wonderful year.
I was a bit sad to see that we weren't in the same class as some of our friends from the Methodist School, however, I am excited to see that we are in the same class with some of my friends' girls. James will make wonderful friends and be able to play with all (the others that he knows) the Kindergartners on the field and eat with them during lunch.
Kaitlyn started at the Methodist School yesterday with Mrs. Santilli. She will be going three days a week, and perhaps attending lunch bunch a few times. She had a fun first day, telling us about what she did (played on the orange slide, in the sand box, played with Ava, etc.) and even told us enthusiastically what she had for a snack. It was cute since while they were sitting at the table for lunch together, it was James who asked her about what she had had for a snack. It'll be a lot of fun to watch and hear their conversations about school over the next year.
Tomorrow morning will be an early start for all of us. That part I'm NOT excited about. I am excited for James, but nervous for him too. It'll be a long day which will probably make for a crabby boy at the end of the day.
I promise to post photos of the first days of school!

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Quotes from Utah

I thought I'd share some hilarious quotes from the beginning of our trip to Utah...

As we were driving to the airport on our way to fly out of Orlando, I had forgotten to put a drink in the car for James. Kaitlyn had Gatorade, and I was supposed to run back in the house and get some for James. I forgot. So the whole way to the airport James was complaining in the back seat, "I'm going to DIE. I'm so thirsty!" A minute later, "I'm DYING!" Sigh. We kept telling him that we'd get him something when we got there, but he complained the whole car ride.

When we did get to the airport, the kids and I left Nathan to tie up the rest of the loose ends with the skycap, and we went in search of the water fountain. James took about 4 long drinks, stood up, put his hands on his hips, puffed out his chest and said, "There! Healthy AND strong!" Think Mighty Mouse. :)

It's fun to try to think back to when you were three and remember how not much made sense to you at that age. We had to rent a car, obviously, to get from Salt Lake City to Park City, but Kaitlyn really didn't understand WHY we didn't have our cars with us. "Why do we have to rent a car, we can take Daddy's!"

We were leaving the airport, and just as we got out of the rental car parking garage, James blurts out, "Well... looks like Utah is BRILLIANT SUCCESS!" Two minutes later called the mountains a brilliant success also saying, "This is wonderful! I love the mountains, then I can reach up and touch the sky!" He then proceeded to say (while giggling at the beautiful sight of the mountains), "Isn't it great to live on this planet?" Nathan and I were DYING of laughter.

Kaitlyn was scared... "I'm afraid of the mountains! I'm scared!" I think she thought we were going to LITERALLY drive INTO the mountains when we were talking about driving to Park City.

We had a blast there, with the Neiperts, the Wilckes and my parents. I'm sure there are tons of funny quotes that I'm leaving out, but this will do for now. :) I'm still working on the photos.