As soon as I squirted some on her tray, she says, "WHOOAAA! Whoa!" Like it was the coolest thing she's ever seen! It was so funny! I ended up putting more ketchup on her tray two more times, and each time, the same WHOA! :)
She has also done this when I break out the red grapes and watermelon for "dessert". Both of my kids love their fruit!
Kaitlyn has also been using a fork and spoon for about a week now. She really does better with a fork, since it doesn't matter which way it is flipped, it'll still get the job done. Marilyn and I were laughing in Iowa because you could put anything down in front of Kaitlyn and she'd eat it if she could stab it with the fork. Even broccoli! She's never been a fan, but if you give her a fork, she eats it! She likes it! She likes it! :)

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