My blog is about my life as a Mom, a wife, and my kids. Stop by often and see what we're up to. Please leave comments, I love to read them!
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Recent Photos
Early to rise.
Today is Thursday, Nathan has been gone since Sunday. I haven't been all alone, I must admit, I had my nanny work on Tuesday and Wednesday this week. That was a nice relief for me, especially on Wednesday since I had lots of doc appointments (no big deal).
It always feels strange here at night without Nathan around, it's somewhat liberating since I get to watch what I want to watch and when I want to watch it, but otherwise it's pretty lonely. If we didn't have an alarm system, I definitely wouldn't be able to sleep as hard as I do without him here to be our guardian. Kona too. ;)
Kaitlyn has been getting up in the morning, climbing out of bed and venturing into James' room to either wake him up or play with his toys. Today was no exception, except for the fact that Rosco went into Kaitlyn's room at 6:30 AM and was meowing at her. Looks like she got a taste of her own medicine. Apparently Rosco wanted to play with Kaitlyn and her toys. Of course after I panicked when I came out of a deep sleep and realized that the meowing was coming from Kaitlyn's monitor and thought about running upstairs before he woke her up, I heard, "Oh hi Rosco!" in my sweet little girls' voice. "DANG. Now she's really not going to go back to sleep" I thought, and figured out it was time to rise and shine.
I did haul upstairs when I heard Kaitlyn banging toys around in James' room though. Last night he went to bed with a fever, and I knew he wouldn't care to be woken up at 6:30 AM (about an hour early on our schedule). I hurried to get Kaitlyn out of there and told James to go back to sleep. He did, thankfully, since he still was feeling feverish.
One benefit to our early rising this morning was that I got to take James into the doctor's office for walk in hour at 8 AM. He was "diagnosed" with viral tonsillitis, but they are "cooking" a strep test just in case. We'll get that result tomorrow.
Daddy gets home tonight!! Wooo hoooooooo!
It always feels strange here at night without Nathan around, it's somewhat liberating since I get to watch what I want to watch and when I want to watch it, but otherwise it's pretty lonely. If we didn't have an alarm system, I definitely wouldn't be able to sleep as hard as I do without him here to be our guardian. Kona too. ;)
Kaitlyn has been getting up in the morning, climbing out of bed and venturing into James' room to either wake him up or play with his toys. Today was no exception, except for the fact that Rosco went into Kaitlyn's room at 6:30 AM and was meowing at her. Looks like she got a taste of her own medicine. Apparently Rosco wanted to play with Kaitlyn and her toys. Of course after I panicked when I came out of a deep sleep and realized that the meowing was coming from Kaitlyn's monitor and thought about running upstairs before he woke her up, I heard, "Oh hi Rosco!" in my sweet little girls' voice. "DANG. Now she's really not going to go back to sleep" I thought, and figured out it was time to rise and shine.
I did haul upstairs when I heard Kaitlyn banging toys around in James' room though. Last night he went to bed with a fever, and I knew he wouldn't care to be woken up at 6:30 AM (about an hour early on our schedule). I hurried to get Kaitlyn out of there and told James to go back to sleep. He did, thankfully, since he still was feeling feverish.
One benefit to our early rising this morning was that I got to take James into the doctor's office for walk in hour at 8 AM. He was "diagnosed" with viral tonsillitis, but they are "cooking" a strep test just in case. We'll get that result tomorrow.
Daddy gets home tonight!! Wooo hoooooooo!
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Dreaming of Italia and toddlers staying in their cribs.
My parents took off for Italy on Tuesday, so things around here have been a bit crazy (having them here in town is just a huge comfort, even if they are at their house all alone-ha). It seems as if when it rains, it pours. Nathan's grandfather, Lee Wilcke, passed away yesterday morning. It was expected, as he has had cancer for the past 8 months or so. It's still very sad when it happens, but at least we know that he's resting now, pain free, and living with God. We'll miss you Lee... and I'll see that Kaitlyn becomes a supermodel just for you! :)
So Nathan is leaving tomorrow for Iowa, to celebrate Lee's life with his family. I can't go unless we ALL go, so that's just not going to happen. We got to fly up to Iowa in December to see Lee when we knew he'd be enduring chemo but with a skeptical outcome. We are very happy we made that trip and got to spend a few hours with him.
I also read on Maureen's blog that she's had to have surgery to put tubes into her abdomen to help her bowels work. She has said that it's not good news, which scares me so much. She is such a beautiful ambitious woman, and she deserves to live a happy, healthy and long life.
Now on to the children....
After a few attempts by Kaitlyn to break out of her crib (nearly pushing herself up enough to fall out), we decided to take the front rail off of her crib and put a guard rail on it instead. This meas that she can, and DOES frequently, get out of her crib by herself. Unlike James, who was so young to know he could actually get out of his big boy bed by himself, she was up and out of there as soon as we first put her in it. This saga continues. We used a technique with James that I saw and also read about in the Supernanny show/book. To sum up, you tell them goodnight, give hugs and kisses and put them in bed. The first time they get out, you remind them that it's bedtime and put them back into bed. The second time and on, you don't give any eye contact or words and "simply" just keep putting them back into bed until eventually they give up and you win. It's a lot easier said than done, I'll tell you that much. I've been doing this with Kaitlyn for about a week now, and she really has been doing well, only getting out of bed at most about 5 times. Yesterday, however, was waaaay different. I put her down for her nap around 12:45 and she continually got out of bed until 2:30. Yes, you read that right. She got out of bed around 30 to 40 times! I was so frustrated and irritated that I tried being a bit firm with her, but it didn't help, it made it worse. I'd put her down, tell her, "You go to SLEEP KAITLYN!" and she'd reply with "Okay, Mommy," and close her eyes. I'd walk out, and up she'd stand and out she'd come. To top things off, she'd see me peek into the crack of her door, and she'd say, "Wheeere's Mommy?" GAH! It's funny, I admit, but it wasn't yesterday!
That whole time, I'm also dealing with James not wanting to nap. "Mommy? I have to go potty! Mommy? I can't sleep! Can I come out yet?" I finally just bit the bullet and sent James downstairs to play while I stayed with little Miss Mexican Jumping Bean and kept putting her back to bed. I could hear James singing downstairs and playing with Kaitlyn's Irish doll. So finally, after Kaitlyn fell asleep and tears of happiness were pouring out of my eyes (ok, not really, but nearly) I got to go downstairs and sit on the couch. Ahhh, relief. Kaitlyn slept until 4, when I woke her up. I knew that would create havoc on our night time ritual... and I was right.
Since I had been home all day nearly going crazy, Nathan took over bedtime. Kaitlyn did surprisingly well staying in bed after the two hour session at nap time. James fell asleep within seconds of hitting the pillow since he didn't nap. It was about 9:30 PM when I heard James crying and coughing. "OH NO! He's throwing up!" I thought as I raced upstairs to help him. I ran into his room, flipped on the light expecting to see vomit and have to change sheets, but instead saw Kaitlyn, holding Lovie and her musical bear, sitting up on James' bed up by his pillows. James was crying in confusion, not knowing what was going on and blinded by the bright light that I had turned on. Kaitlyn BETH!
I put her back in bed, told her to "STAY HERE. Go to SLEEP. GoodNIGHT."
"Okay Mommy." I walked out, and up she stood and out she climbed. I put her back. She got out one or two more times, I put her back into bed a few more times. And FINALLY she stayed and fell asleep. One of her biggest clues is this: if she's talking, she's in bed, if she's quiet, she's climbing out.
Ugh. Yesterday was exhausting. Hopefully today will be better and when Nathan leaves tomorrow I'll be rebooted to deal with the kids by myself until Thursday. Anyone want to babysit? ;) Just kidding.
So Nathan is leaving tomorrow for Iowa, to celebrate Lee's life with his family. I can't go unless we ALL go, so that's just not going to happen. We got to fly up to Iowa in December to see Lee when we knew he'd be enduring chemo but with a skeptical outcome. We are very happy we made that trip and got to spend a few hours with him.
I also read on Maureen's blog that she's had to have surgery to put tubes into her abdomen to help her bowels work. She has said that it's not good news, which scares me so much. She is such a beautiful ambitious woman, and she deserves to live a happy, healthy and long life.
Now on to the children....
After a few attempts by Kaitlyn to break out of her crib (nearly pushing herself up enough to fall out), we decided to take the front rail off of her crib and put a guard rail on it instead. This meas that she can, and DOES frequently, get out of her crib by herself. Unlike James, who was so young to know he could actually get out of his big boy bed by himself, she was up and out of there as soon as we first put her in it. This saga continues. We used a technique with James that I saw and also read about in the Supernanny show/book. To sum up, you tell them goodnight, give hugs and kisses and put them in bed. The first time they get out, you remind them that it's bedtime and put them back into bed. The second time and on, you don't give any eye contact or words and "simply" just keep putting them back into bed until eventually they give up and you win. It's a lot easier said than done, I'll tell you that much. I've been doing this with Kaitlyn for about a week now, and she really has been doing well, only getting out of bed at most about 5 times. Yesterday, however, was waaaay different. I put her down for her nap around 12:45 and she continually got out of bed until 2:30. Yes, you read that right. She got out of bed around 30 to 40 times! I was so frustrated and irritated that I tried being a bit firm with her, but it didn't help, it made it worse. I'd put her down, tell her, "You go to SLEEP KAITLYN!" and she'd reply with "Okay, Mommy," and close her eyes. I'd walk out, and up she'd stand and out she'd come. To top things off, she'd see me peek into the crack of her door, and she'd say, "Wheeere's Mommy?" GAH! It's funny, I admit, but it wasn't yesterday!
That whole time, I'm also dealing with James not wanting to nap. "Mommy? I have to go potty! Mommy? I can't sleep! Can I come out yet?" I finally just bit the bullet and sent James downstairs to play while I stayed with little Miss Mexican Jumping Bean and kept putting her back to bed. I could hear James singing downstairs and playing with Kaitlyn's Irish doll. So finally, after Kaitlyn fell asleep and tears of happiness were pouring out of my eyes (ok, not really, but nearly) I got to go downstairs and sit on the couch. Ahhh, relief. Kaitlyn slept until 4, when I woke her up. I knew that would create havoc on our night time ritual... and I was right.
Since I had been home all day nearly going crazy, Nathan took over bedtime. Kaitlyn did surprisingly well staying in bed after the two hour session at nap time. James fell asleep within seconds of hitting the pillow since he didn't nap. It was about 9:30 PM when I heard James crying and coughing. "OH NO! He's throwing up!" I thought as I raced upstairs to help him. I ran into his room, flipped on the light expecting to see vomit and have to change sheets, but instead saw Kaitlyn, holding Lovie and her musical bear, sitting up on James' bed up by his pillows. James was crying in confusion, not knowing what was going on and blinded by the bright light that I had turned on. Kaitlyn BETH!
I put her back in bed, told her to "STAY HERE. Go to SLEEP. GoodNIGHT."
"Okay Mommy." I walked out, and up she stood and out she climbed. I put her back. She got out one or two more times, I put her back into bed a few more times. And FINALLY she stayed and fell asleep. One of her biggest clues is this: if she's talking, she's in bed, if she's quiet, she's climbing out.
Ugh. Yesterday was exhausting. Hopefully today will be better and when Nathan leaves tomorrow I'll be rebooted to deal with the kids by myself until Thursday. Anyone want to babysit? ;) Just kidding.
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Kids? Go put yourselves to bed...
Oh wouldn't that just be awesome?!? That is what Nathan told the kids tonight after dinner. James replied with, "But I want to put YOU to bed."
"Really? Ok!" Daddy said back. James grabbed his hand, "pulled him" off of the couch and gently lead him to our bedroom and then told him to lay down. The whole time Nathan was trying to razz James by saying, "But I don't want to go to bed!", and all James would reply with was, "But it's almost night time."
As I was perusing facebook, I heard a beautiful rendition of "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star" bellowing through the downstairs hallways. It was so sweet, it almost made me cry.
A moment later, James came back out to me (sitting on the couch), and told me that he had put Dad to bed so he could get some rest.
"I want to go to bed too!" I told James. "But you have to carry me."
James said, "You're too big, so I have to hold your hand." Fair enough... fair enough.
He led me to bedroom saying, "Let's go to Mom and Dad's bed now." As soon as we got there, he told me, "Now lie down and I'll sing you Twinkle Twinkle." Daddy was already laying on the bed and Kaitlyn was in there keeping him company... quietly I'm sure.
"But I want Jesus!" I said (side note: Kaitlyn calls the song "Jesus Loves Me" by the first word: Jesus). James said, "Well we're not very good at that one so we're going to sing Twinkle."
"Ok, that's good with me." I replied.
James piped up with Twinkle Twinkle again, letting his voice bellow throughout the downstairs hallways. I grabbed Nathan's hand and held on to the moment, not wanting to let go. I looked at Nathan, he was looking at James and smiling. Oh... heaven on Earth.
"Really? Ok!" Daddy said back. James grabbed his hand, "pulled him" off of the couch and gently lead him to our bedroom and then told him to lay down. The whole time Nathan was trying to razz James by saying, "But I don't want to go to bed!", and all James would reply with was, "But it's almost night time."
As I was perusing facebook, I heard a beautiful rendition of "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star" bellowing through the downstairs hallways. It was so sweet, it almost made me cry.
A moment later, James came back out to me (sitting on the couch), and told me that he had put Dad to bed so he could get some rest.
"I want to go to bed too!" I told James. "But you have to carry me."
James said, "You're too big, so I have to hold your hand." Fair enough... fair enough.
He led me to bedroom saying, "Let's go to Mom and Dad's bed now." As soon as we got there, he told me, "Now lie down and I'll sing you Twinkle Twinkle." Daddy was already laying on the bed and Kaitlyn was in there keeping him company... quietly I'm sure.
"But I want Jesus!" I said (side note: Kaitlyn calls the song "Jesus Loves Me" by the first word: Jesus). James said, "Well we're not very good at that one so we're going to sing Twinkle."
"Ok, that's good with me." I replied.
James piped up with Twinkle Twinkle again, letting his voice bellow throughout the downstairs hallways. I grabbed Nathan's hand and held on to the moment, not wanting to let go. I looked at Nathan, he was looking at James and smiling. Oh... heaven on Earth.
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Friday, April 10, 2009
Can I go first? Roaaaar!
Oh what a day....
I'm sitting here at the computer in the office on a Friday night, listening to James sing, "One of these days these boots are gonna walk all over you!" Yes, that's right. He has a boot in the bathtub, it's part of an Elmo fishing toy that we got from the Hope family for his birthday a while back- and it's still a big hit in the tub. Along with the boot is a beach ball, an apple and a cowboy hat. One night he was playing with the boot and asked me to sing the "boot song". Not knowing at ALL what he was talking about, I started in with the aforementioned song. It has been a hit ever since. Tonight after the boot, it was the beach ball that was going to "roll all over him". ;)
Really, all these kids do is make us laugh. Despite the few points of the day where I could really use some alone time, I spend the rest of the day enjoying the kids' banter and quick wit. Tonight while I was doing dishes, James came up to me and asked (get ready for the heart attack), "Is there anything I can do to help?" HUH? Who are you and what have you done to my son?!?! Ha ha. Actually, according to him, he was pretending to be "Super Reader"... which I'm still not sure what that meant. ?
Kaitlyn has been using the word "first" after everything she says. "Shoes on first?" "Good nap first?" "Mommy, hold me first?" It's nonstop. I was telling Nathan tonight that it reminds me of that novel Flowers for Algernon when the main character uses punctuation all over the place in his diary, in all the wrong places, just because he knows about it. With Kaitlyn, however, it actually makes sense... most of the time.
Another "first" going on lately is James' obsession with doing everything FIRST. "Can I do it first?" Hence, this is probably why Kaitlyn has been adding this word to her vocabulary so frequently. Of course James doesn't want to go first when it's something he doesn't like! Figures.
We have a lioness living among us. Kaitlyn has been roaring lately. Yes, roaring. She roars at James when she's mad, or when she just wants to roar (for instance, when she's babbling in her crib at night before she falls asleep... or in the middle of the night, like at 3 AM!). It's hysterical, yet slightly annoying. ;) James gets upset when she roars at him. "Mom! Kaitlyn just roared at me again!" Ha ha ha ha ha.
A few other things Kaitlyn is into lately are: putting on her sandals all by herself, running away from me at bedtime (not uncommon!) and getting upset when I leave her room and throwing (LAUNCHING) "Lovie" down to the floor. She has also learned how to play the "nite nite" game. This would be when I'm laying down on the bed or the couch, she says, "Nite nite!" to me, I close my eyes, and she gets really close to my face and giggles until I open my eyes. Other times after "nite nite" she'll yell, "good morning!" and when I startle awake, she and James laugh until they get the hiccups.
Like I said, these kids really only make us laugh all day.
I'm sitting here at the computer in the office on a Friday night, listening to James sing, "One of these days these boots are gonna walk all over you!" Yes, that's right. He has a boot in the bathtub, it's part of an Elmo fishing toy that we got from the Hope family for his birthday a while back- and it's still a big hit in the tub. Along with the boot is a beach ball, an apple and a cowboy hat. One night he was playing with the boot and asked me to sing the "boot song". Not knowing at ALL what he was talking about, I started in with the aforementioned song. It has been a hit ever since. Tonight after the boot, it was the beach ball that was going to "roll all over him". ;)
Really, all these kids do is make us laugh. Despite the few points of the day where I could really use some alone time, I spend the rest of the day enjoying the kids' banter and quick wit. Tonight while I was doing dishes, James came up to me and asked (get ready for the heart attack), "Is there anything I can do to help?" HUH? Who are you and what have you done to my son?!?! Ha ha. Actually, according to him, he was pretending to be "Super Reader"... which I'm still not sure what that meant. ?
Kaitlyn has been using the word "first" after everything she says. "Shoes on first?" "Good nap first?" "Mommy, hold me first?" It's nonstop. I was telling Nathan tonight that it reminds me of that novel Flowers for Algernon when the main character uses punctuation all over the place in his diary, in all the wrong places, just because he knows about it. With Kaitlyn, however, it actually makes sense... most of the time.
Another "first" going on lately is James' obsession with doing everything FIRST. "Can I do it first?" Hence, this is probably why Kaitlyn has been adding this word to her vocabulary so frequently. Of course James doesn't want to go first when it's something he doesn't like! Figures.
We have a lioness living among us. Kaitlyn has been roaring lately. Yes, roaring. She roars at James when she's mad, or when she just wants to roar (for instance, when she's babbling in her crib at night before she falls asleep... or in the middle of the night, like at 3 AM!). It's hysterical, yet slightly annoying. ;) James gets upset when she roars at him. "Mom! Kaitlyn just roared at me again!" Ha ha ha ha ha.
A few other things Kaitlyn is into lately are: putting on her sandals all by herself, running away from me at bedtime (not uncommon!) and getting upset when I leave her room and throwing (LAUNCHING) "Lovie" down to the floor. She has also learned how to play the "nite nite" game. This would be when I'm laying down on the bed or the couch, she says, "Nite nite!" to me, I close my eyes, and she gets really close to my face and giggles until I open my eyes. Other times after "nite nite" she'll yell, "good morning!" and when I startle awake, she and James laugh until they get the hiccups.
Like I said, these kids really only make us laugh all day.
Monday, April 6, 2009
Awesome dude!
After a long weekend of eating horribly fattening but delicious food, I thought that I'd get up raring to go to the gym this morning. Alas, I'm still sitting here at the table, perusing Facebook and drinking coffee. Two things are holding me back from going to the gym: I'm being lazy, and all of James' bedding needs to be washed.
I was woken up by my husband this morning with a sweet hug and a kiss, telling me goodbye before he headed out the door for work. As I was drifting back to sleep, he popped back in and told me that James was awake and playing at the top of the stairs.
"Oh just 10 more minutes" I thought, but as soon as the guilt set in, I got up and headed upstairs to see my beautiful brunette boy staring at me through the gate bars. I gave him a kiss through the bars, opened the gate and hugged him. Then... I smelled it. The unmistakable scent of urine, seeping from his pajamas. Ick.
I went into the bathroom to investigate the situation, and sure enough, on the floor lay a crisply DRY overnight Huggie diaper right by the bottom of the cabinet. "Uh-oh" I thought, "This is going to be worse than I thought."
The bed was soaked, all the way from the blue surfing-monkey quilt down to the plastic underlayer of the mattress pad. Even the "waterproof" (crib sized) bed liners that we had under his sheets were soaked through, which amazed me.
So apparently James had gotten up to go potty last night, stripped his diaper off, went potty, put his shorts back on and went to bed... sans diaper. He's been mentioning that he has wanted to try to sleep without a diaper, so I'm not sure if he meant to leave the diaper off or if he really did just forget. Both scenarios are possible!
So instead of going to the gym this morning, I'm feeding my laziness and hanging out in my pj's while I wash all of James' bedding. Poor kid... that must have been AWFUL! Did we ever hear him complain? No.
Nathan and I were talking this weekend about James and mentioning the funny things that he says and does, just to make sure that the other spouse has been kept up to speed. We ended up laughing so hard... enjoying the stories that each other told and reflecting on how beautiful, smart, fun and amazing our James has become.
One of the things that Nathan told me is that when Nathan was putting James' new "Tough Boy" jammies on James the other night, he asked James if he was a tough guy/boy. James replied with, "NO! I'm a nice boy!"
I was telling Nathan that I absolutely love it when I make Kaitlyn laugh until she can't breathe... Nathan went on to tell me that he wasn't going to make James laugh really hard anymore since, a few times now, James has hiccuped so hard that he's thrown up a bit in his mouth. I asked him, "You mean he actually tells you that he has 'thrown up a bit' in his mouth?"
"Yep!" He said. Too funny.
On Friday evening, when we were having dinner at home with the kids, I told James that I had a surprise for him. I went on to say "Tomorrow night, you and Kaitlyn are going to spend the night at Grandma's house!"
He replied with, "Get OUT 'a here! Really?" with a beaming, huge smile.
A minute later, after talking about it a bit more, he said, "Awesome, dude!"
Ha ha ha ha.
I was woken up by my husband this morning with a sweet hug and a kiss, telling me goodbye before he headed out the door for work. As I was drifting back to sleep, he popped back in and told me that James was awake and playing at the top of the stairs.
"Oh just 10 more minutes" I thought, but as soon as the guilt set in, I got up and headed upstairs to see my beautiful brunette boy staring at me through the gate bars. I gave him a kiss through the bars, opened the gate and hugged him. Then... I smelled it. The unmistakable scent of urine, seeping from his pajamas. Ick.
I went into the bathroom to investigate the situation, and sure enough, on the floor lay a crisply DRY overnight Huggie diaper right by the bottom of the cabinet. "Uh-oh" I thought, "This is going to be worse than I thought."
The bed was soaked, all the way from the blue surfing-monkey quilt down to the plastic underlayer of the mattress pad. Even the "waterproof" (crib sized) bed liners that we had under his sheets were soaked through, which amazed me.
So apparently James had gotten up to go potty last night, stripped his diaper off, went potty, put his shorts back on and went to bed... sans diaper. He's been mentioning that he has wanted to try to sleep without a diaper, so I'm not sure if he meant to leave the diaper off or if he really did just forget. Both scenarios are possible!
So instead of going to the gym this morning, I'm feeding my laziness and hanging out in my pj's while I wash all of James' bedding. Poor kid... that must have been AWFUL! Did we ever hear him complain? No.
Nathan and I were talking this weekend about James and mentioning the funny things that he says and does, just to make sure that the other spouse has been kept up to speed. We ended up laughing so hard... enjoying the stories that each other told and reflecting on how beautiful, smart, fun and amazing our James has become.
One of the things that Nathan told me is that when Nathan was putting James' new "Tough Boy" jammies on James the other night, he asked James if he was a tough guy/boy. James replied with, "NO! I'm a nice boy!"
I was telling Nathan that I absolutely love it when I make Kaitlyn laugh until she can't breathe... Nathan went on to tell me that he wasn't going to make James laugh really hard anymore since, a few times now, James has hiccuped so hard that he's thrown up a bit in his mouth. I asked him, "You mean he actually tells you that he has 'thrown up a bit' in his mouth?"
"Yep!" He said. Too funny.
On Friday evening, when we were having dinner at home with the kids, I told James that I had a surprise for him. I went on to say "Tomorrow night, you and Kaitlyn are going to spend the night at Grandma's house!"
He replied with, "Get OUT 'a here! Really?" with a beaming, huge smile.
A minute later, after talking about it a bit more, he said, "Awesome, dude!"
Ha ha ha ha.
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
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