Oh what a day....
I'm sitting here at the computer in the office on a Friday night, listening to James sing, "One of these days these boots are gonna walk all over you!" Yes, that's right. He has a boot in the bathtub, it's part of an Elmo fishing toy that we got from the Hope family for his birthday a while back- and it's still a big hit in the tub. Along with the boot is a beach ball, an apple and a cowboy hat. One night he was playing with the boot and asked me to sing the "boot song". Not knowing at ALL what he was talking about, I started in with the aforementioned song. It has been a hit ever since. Tonight after the boot, it was the beach ball that was going to "roll all over him". ;)
Really, all these kids do is make us laugh. Despite the few points of the day where I could really use some alone time, I spend the rest of the day enjoying the kids' banter and quick wit. Tonight while I was doing dishes, James came up to me and asked (get ready for the heart attack), "Is there anything I can do to help?" HUH? Who are you and what have you done to my son?!?! Ha ha. Actually, according to him, he was pretending to be "Super Reader"... which I'm still not sure what that meant. ?
Kaitlyn has been using the word "first" after everything she says. "Shoes on first?" "Good nap first?" "Mommy, hold me first?" It's nonstop. I was telling Nathan tonight that it reminds me of that novel Flowers for Algernon when the main character uses punctuation all over the place in his diary, in all the wrong places, just because he knows about it. With Kaitlyn, however, it actually makes sense... most of the time.
Another "first" going on lately is James' obsession with doing everything FIRST. "Can I do it first?" Hence, this is probably why Kaitlyn has been adding this word to her vocabulary so frequently. Of course James doesn't want to go first when it's something he doesn't like! Figures.
We have a lioness living among us. Kaitlyn has been roaring lately. Yes, roaring. She roars at James when she's mad, or when she just wants to roar (for instance, when she's babbling in her crib at night before she falls asleep... or in the middle of the night, like at 3 AM!). It's hysterical, yet slightly annoying. ;) James gets upset when she roars at him. "Mom! Kaitlyn just roared at me again!" Ha ha ha ha ha.
A few other things Kaitlyn is into lately are: putting on her sandals all by herself, running away from me at bedtime (not uncommon!) and getting upset when I leave her room and throwing (LAUNCHING) "Lovie" down to the floor. She has also learned how to play the "nite nite" game. This would be when I'm laying down on the bed or the couch, she says, "Nite nite!" to me, I close my eyes, and she gets really close to my face and giggles until I open my eyes. Other times after "nite nite" she'll yell, "good morning!" and when I startle awake, she and James laugh until they get the hiccups.
Like I said, these kids really only make us laugh all day.
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