Sand castle time!

The "babies" were in charge of shoveling sand into the bucket.

That's Marilyn out in the kayak.

Group shot! All who built the castle say, "AYE!"

Bennett's turn?

Time for a little bit of a show... or movie. Disney's Incredibles.

Silly kids. Bennett and Kaitlyn were playing with each other so well today, running around, pushing each other around, kicking each other. It sounds like I'm kidding, but I'm not. They were roughhousing and enjoying it, laughing so hard!

Adorable "Harrison John Deere Green." He told us today he wanted his name to be John Deere Green. Apparently, that is his favorite country song. I overheard him playing a few minutes ago and he was calling himself "Harrison John Deere Green." :)

Sweet Bennett... chewing on a pool toy!
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