James was incredibly sad to have to leave Field... he cried, and cried, and cried. He's getting back into (has he ever NOT been in to?) the tantrum phase. Kicking, screaming, all of that hullabaloo. It's crazy. Nathan and I try to talk him down most of the time, but in this instance, he needed to go chill on the "naughty spot" for a few minutes. Man, he's getting strong and heavy!
On Saturday, Nathan and the kids and I drove to Lakeland to see Trippi and the rest of the McGlinn family (Toby, Madey and Tobyn). I was originally going to go down by myself to photograph their family, but we decided to all go and spend the day. That was much more fun! :) I did shoot photos, and I'm still working on editing through them and such, so check my blog in a few days for the photo highlights.
When we arrived, we heard the dreaded story that Madey had cut Tobyn's hair. It's a little strange, really, since when Trippi had texted me in the car that their morning had been awful, I said to Nathan, "Madey probably cut her hair... or Tobyn's..." Funny! Ok, not really. Ha. Granted I hadn't seen what Tobyn's hair was like before the "day at the salon", but I didn't think it looked that bad... Trippi thought it was a bit mullet-like. :)
James and Madey have so much fun together. Madey knows way more than James about death, doom and destruction due to her parents' fantastically weird obsession with horror films. At one point, Trippi and I were watching Madey pretend she was dead while lying in a closed bench that sits at the foot of her bed. Weirdo. ;) I was shocked that even James wanted to try it though!
One of the highlights of the trip, for me, was when Madey had brought out her "boom box" and started playing a slow Christmas song... I can't remember which one it was. About 2/3 of the way through the song, I looked over and down the hallway to see Madey and James holding hands, swaying back and forth, dancing together. AWWWWW! Serioushttp://www.facebook.com/photo.php?pid=2602857&id=750477753ly! I tried to get every one's attention to look and see, but it was too late. Oh my goodness it was just so cute!
Kaitlyn had another nice nap in Toby and Trippi's bed, and after she woke up we played for a bit in their back yard. We fed Sully, their tortoise, leaves and flowers and played on their play scape. There was even some jumping rope going on at one point. We had a blast!

On our way home, we hit TGI Friday's for some dinner. Check out this photo that I snagged with my phone that is just awesome....

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