Thursday, October 8, 2009

I'm Sorry Mommy!

Kaitlyn has been noticing when she hurts people, and usually says, "I'm sorry!" right away.
Sometimes, however, she means to hurt James. He does the same to her, of course, but she really knows how to taunt him. She takes things right out of his hands and then after he cries and I tell him to ask for it back nicely, he asks and she replies with, "NO!" It really is funny... but I feel so bad for James because he does a great job asking her for it back and then she totally denies him. She also likes to push him, hit him and throw things at him. Nice, huh?
James, too, has his moments where he shows aggression. For instance, if Kaitlyn takes something from him and he wants it back, he'll aggressively poke her or push her. It frustrates me to no end, and is one thing that Nathan and I need to work on with him... controlling his temper.
They both are very sweet about apologizing when they hurt me or Nathan or anyone else, but when it comes to each other they are total siblings about it. They say sorry, but don't really mean it. Ha.

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