We had a wonderful Memorial Day weekend in New Smyrna Beach with my parents. We played on the beach a lot, thankfully, now that the kids don't mind the sand and actually like to dig in it. There was a time when James wouldn't even walk on it. We thought for sure we were headed down the path of having one of the only children on the planet that didn't like the beach. After all, I was one of them. ;) Just kidding.
My parents' condo has an elevator that we must take to get to their floor (seldom is it broken, but when it is- watch out... I'm not a very nice person). Nathan was usually accompanying the kids down the elevator to the beach because I wasn't ready to go down to the beach yet. Nathan asked me at one point if I had heard what James was saying every time he was in the elevator. I looked at him with a puzzled look and he said to me, "Your attention please..." and then trailed off. I had no idea what he was talking about.
Until... I got on the elevator with James.
James was in charge of pushing either the 8 button or the G button depending on which direction we were headed. He would press the button, wait for the doors to close and then perk up and start in with his lines.
"Your attention, please. Do NOT press open while the elevator is going up." He delivered it happily, clearly, crisply, and it a BRITISH accent. EVERY time.
Where does this kid get this stuff?
We left the beach on Monday around noon to beat the traffic out of there (and it's a good thing we left when we did). James wanted to bring a car home that he had been playing with in the condo. Nathan and I had told him that no, the toys that we play with at the condo need to stay at the condo. There were tears. Lots of tears, and very weary James. He moped around the condo for at least 5 minutes while we were getting our final things together, and he continued to mope all the way into the elevator.
When we all were in the elevator, Nathan and I looked at each other, each wondering if James would deliver his piece once again.
The doors shut.
"Your attention please," says James, with his head bowed down, with a very solemn and slow voice, "do not push open while the elevator is going down." He was on the verge of tears, but still, finding the strength to deliver to his audience.
We heard about the car for about the next 20 minutes in the car. He was so sad, so so sad. And then he fell asleep.
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