Many family members have told me that they like the blog... I'm glad. I'm not just doing it for myself then. :)
Nathan left this morning, again, for Virginia. I know, it seems like he leaves a lot, but it just happens to be this month. May has been busy. He's in VA for a wedding, and he is meeting up with his parents, sister and our two nephews. They DROVE from Iowa. Never in my life would I drive for two days with a three year old and a 14 mo. old. You guys are CRAZY! :) On Sunday they'll be driving here to meet the kids and me at the condo in New Smyrna. I'm so excited to see them! They couldn't get here fast enough. Watching James and Harrison play is just hysterical.
One side story.... We went to Iowa a few months back, and it was a busy day. We drove to Sanford, flew on a huge long flight, then had to get the rental car and go to Aunt Beth and Uncle Chris' house in Des Moines. James was so excited to see Harrison when we arrived at about 7:30. Well that's when Diego is on Noggin. Harrison was on the couch watching Diego when we let James loose in the house to go see him. James ran into the family room, stood between Harrison and the TV and said, "Hi Harrison! It's so good to see you!" ... long pause, then putting his arms up in a why pose... "Aren't you going to talk to me?!?" Ha ha ha ha. I guess Diego was really good that night.
I'm beat tonight. The kids kept me busy today, especially when James had a super-duper tantrum before his nap. He has had summer "camp" at school for this week, Tuesday through today. I really think it wore him out entirely. By the time he had gotten up stairs for his nap today, he thought he should have a bath before his nap. Whoa Nelly. He was throwing such a fit I actually had to go hold him and hug him until he settled down. It was like he couldn't stop crying. Weird, very weird. I'm excited school is out for a while now... next week I might have a different opinion. Too much stimulation for a two year old.
We went to Target this evening, and then instead of trying to beat traffic home before Kaitlyn lost it from hunger, we went to Steak and Shake for dinner. See how I rationalize these things? We HAD to go. :) Kaitlyn likes their fries, and LOVES chocolate malts. ha ha. James too, naturally.
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