Things I don't want to forget about Kaitlyn at this age:
- The way she toddles around so unsteadily with her arms outstretched in front of her body.
- She knows the word 'yogurt' and if I ask her if she wants some, I better be able to give it to her NOW.
- She loves the White Grape-Pomegranate Juice that James calls "Red berry juice", and loved to toddle around holding a sippy-cup full of juice.
- She eats mostly everything, except eggs, and she loved to face-plant on her tray and shovel things into her mouth.
- She loves to go into my bathroom and unload the band-aid drawer, dropping everything onto the floor.
- The way she gets excited and starts to laugh and walk fast if you ask her where she's going.
- She is really starting to try to mimic everything we say... hi, daddy, step, stick, etc.
- The way she is starting to remember things, and how something is associated with an object. For instance, if she sees the graham cracker box, she whines for one. Or when we read the Touch and Feel book about wild animals, she always puts her index finger on the sticky tree frog's legs and looks up at me and waits for me to say, "stick!" and then smiles.
- When I sit down to put James shoes on, she tries to put on her own shoes.
- She just started to wave bye-bye.
- She's opposite James in the sense that she can fall asleep in the car within a minute and stay asleep or go back to sleep when we get her out of the car. James hardly ever slept in the car, always would fall asleep 5 minutes before we got somewhere, and then not go back to sleep the entire day.
She is so precious. I could go on and on forever.
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